Market & Data Driven Approach to Product Management
I understand challenges of growing your business and the power of market data-driven decisions so that development isn't wasted and products can be successful.
The result? Higher revenue, profits and company value.
But, the cost of mistakes is high – What if...
You're developing features customers want but won't pay for?
Your target market is not well defined?
There's no business case for ROI?
Your pricing strategy is 'whatever we did before'?
Product managers have no business experience?
Nobody is contacting won & lost customers to find out why?
You want to buy a company but don't have time for due diligence?
Product launches are chaotic and results aren't being measured?
There's no money left for innovation after bugs and customer requests?
That's where I can help.
Whether you need to supplement your team for a big project or help them become focused on market-driven decisions and profit, I have over 25 years of experience doing exactly that.

Unlike some large consulting agencies, I have deep real-world experience running product management and marketing in emerging and established technology companies, and know what it takes to identify practical solutions to move the ball forward!
Pricing Project
Detailed results of an analysis and recommendations for a new pricing strategy to maximize value capture and, scale across disparate current and future products. Download...
Product Mgmt. Gap Analysis
Results of leadership survey to identify gaps in product management best practices – Importance vs. Actual. Download
Product Management Best Practices
Presentation for senior executives to kick-off two day session to establish the foundation for a strategic roadmap, and product management best practices.​ Download...
Market Knowledge Gap Analysis
Team exercise to identify gaps in internal and external market knowledge, part of strategic roadmap project.​ Download...
Product / Project Prioritization Matrix
Segmentation Viability Worksheet
Worksheet to evaluate viability and priority of proposed target market segments. Download...